I think everyone needs an honorable mention now & again!! Arrowstar...chin up!!
Thenk yew Dahhling....(lol Effervescent)
i will tell you why i think that you didn't get picked later.
I think everyone needs an honorable mention now & again!! Arrowstar...chin up!!
Thenk yew Dahhling....(lol Effervescent)
i will tell you why i think that you didn't get picked later.
We just need to start a "Hottest lurkers on JWD" thread... I might have a chance at that one!
Me too!!
bear with me because this is going to be a big pity party.
in my life just this last year i have done and survived through a lot of things.
i actually am very sensitive to people that i love and their feelings.
(((Sparkplug)))) What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger eh?? Keep your chin up!
I fluff because I am not nor never was a JW. I can't contribute to most threads, I lurk mostly to try to understand my ex and get a grip on what HE is like now...albeit a bit late. It's more for my son, so I can be better prepared to explain to him that there are options out there for him, and to understand he has a choice.
ok, time for an update on the situation over here, post-valentine's day.. here on my own, valentine's day wasn't too horrible, it definitely could've been worse.
i got cards in the mail from both of my parents (and there was even some money in the card from my dad!!
on the relationship front, it wasn't as disastrous with my jw boyfriend as i thought it would be.
That's a good sign for you. Maybe he'll come around completely.
I got home last nite to my entire house being clean. Dishes were done, all the laundry was done and there was a single red rose & 3 home made cookies on my table. Things were put in their place and my bed was made. Even my son's room was clean. This was all the result of my 16 year old daughter who wanted me to have a good day. I was floored. Not that she cleaned (moreso that she did the dishes...she NEVER does the dishes..and I'm talking an empty dishwasher!) but that she went out of her way to do all of that for me. Brought a tear to my eye.
The three cookies were one for me, one for her little brother and one for her little brother's dad, my ex...the JW. When we met last nite to drop my son with him, I showed him the note she left for me spelling out that one of the cookies was for him (she put our initials on each one in icing). I did see a tear in his eye. He took the cookie. He's having a rough time right now, and I wanted nothing more than for him to see that we're not all bad.
I think I'll keep her.
ok, i was talking to my jw boyfriend on the phone for a while last night, and we were talking about some plans that we have for this coming summer.
one of these plans is a family get-together / camping trip that his family does every year.
i'm all gung-ho for doing family events with him, but while we were talking about it last night, i got really anxious about it.. i'd thought that it was just going to be his immediate family - parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, that sort of thing.
They're the only ones that count anyway. I'm sure that the fact the entire clan goes camping each year you'll have to hear about it if any of them are hard core dubs, but I'd think if they were, they wouldn't go camping with the more liberal ones. Maybe??
Just be yourself and have fun. Smile & nod your head if the conversation goes towards why you're not a JW or religion, and makes sure you keep the smile on your face. You'll get thru this without a scratch I'll gather. Don't forget you're there to have fun so if it gets too much, grab your man & take a walk...come back with twigs in your hair....
Have fun!
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Tonite I drop the little one off with his buddy at the local Little Gym to have some much deserved "adult" time with some friends. I have no idea what we are doing. We've done bingo and pool so far, I suggested roller skating but they don't seem to want to take me up on that. What can I say? It was something!
a family in my congregation, who has recently fallen on some hard times, just had some hard times fall on them.
last saturday, a very large tree fell right square on their house.
no one was harmed, but it definitely hurt their wallets.
THAT'S what it's all about! Good for you. That was awesome.
He who shares my birthday!! Here's hoping it begins @ 40 and we have many years left!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Congratulations for making a 1000 posts!!! I don't think that I will ever get to a 1000 posts.
Ditto...I'm lucky I have 300...! Pretty darn proud of myself there!
woo hoo..there is a volcano trying really hard to erupt in my state!!
so cool..it's on an island by itself and is currently experiencing indigestion.
just thought i'd share....i don't look forward to the ash fallout or anything, but it's pretty exciting to see mother nature at work!.
Very welcome..I think it's pretty fascinating...from what I hear Homer hasn't got a whole lot yet, but they are nervous!! They are thinking tsunami's at the moment, they'd be affected....let's hope not! Where are you Effervescent?? Will you get any ash fallout?